February 17, 2020 Jessica Vania – Let’s talk rubber stall mats. It’s pretty universally agreed having stall mats installed in as many stall banks as we can muster would be a wonderful improvement.
Why? Let’s look at the facts
1) Matted stalls require fewer shavings and therefore there are fewer shavings to dispose of. This is a savings for your wallet as well as the environment
2) Matted stalls are easier to clean and keep clean. This saves time and time is money
3) Matted stalls are generally better for the horses especially if you’ve got one that likes to dig around looking for buried treasure.
How you can help support your local horse park.
We’ve secured enough funding to get some more stall banks matted but we can do more with more if you help us.
For every $5K we raise, we can install mats in another bank of stalls. This covers the cost of labor and materials. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated.
The Washington State Horse Park is a non-profit (501c3) charity. Any and all donations go directly to the Horse Park in support of the Stall Mat Drive. Plus your donation is fully tax deductible.
Now we hunter jumpers are a fiercely competitive group by and large so we’ve decided to up the challenge a bit.
The barn that raises the most money overall will receive a free tack stall for any Cascade show of their choosing + bragging rights of course. Second place will receive 10 bags of shavings. Third place will receive a basket of Cascade goodies.
Thank you!
Click to view our Facebook Fund raiser page!