Washington State Horse Park Covered Arena Started

August 29, 2019 – Courtesy of Washington State Horse Park

It’s really happening! Steel for the covered arena started arriving from California on Monday.


There will be 42 semitruck loads total by the time delivery is complete in a couple weeks. And grading is almost finished so the footings can be dug and concrete poured. Here are some pics of the made-in-the-USA materials arriving and being stacked in the east parking lot. Each of those pieces for the roof structure weighs 7000 lbs. – this will be one beefy building!!! park2

 And speaking of beef, a huge shout out for the week-long Cowabunga cow practice fund-raiser for the Park. Thanks to Kim Witty and his assistant Portia McCutchan and to all those who came and worked cattle, you netted over $10,000 to benefit the Park! Some proceeds from that event will go toward buying panels for the new arena.

We want everyone to be a part of making this new chapter for the Horse Park possible, so plan to attend our annual auction dinner fundraiser coming up on November 9th – Unbridled Evening at Sahalee Country Club. The gala committee is working hard to make this an evening you won’t want to miss, so look for exciting news in the coming days.park3 One last thing: for those attending our remaining events this season, don’t worry, all construction work will cease while you’re here but you’ll get a birds eye view of the progress being made!

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