Traveling the World with “Life Between The Ears”

Life Between The Ears shows us the world from the best possible way… in the saddle.  Started in 2008, when Kristine began posting between-the-ears photos of her mild adventures around Vashon Island, aboard her trusty steed, Baloo.   You can now experience and enjoy photos from all over the world from the back of a horse.  As you meet the horses and horse folks through the world you will read about the locations they live and ride. 




Oh you know, just hacking out in some armor today. En garde ! ⚔️

Thanks to 🔷 Atkinson Action Horses 🔷. Check out Benjamin Atkinson’s Action Horses link below and IG gallery for lots of video. Currently working in ITV’s “Victoria”.

Action Horses has spent the past twenty years training horses and riders for film, tv, and live events. Whether you are in need of a horse master and lead actors horses, stunt training for yourself and your horse or even a full team of trick riders, they pride themselves on being ready and prepared for any task at hand.


Thanks to 🔹 @farandride 🔹 for sharing this view of the red dunes in Mozambique.
Vilankulo (or Vilanculos) is a coastal town in Mozambique, lying in the Vilanculos District of Inhambane Province. Vilankulo is named after local tribal chief Gamala Vilankulo Mukoke, and some of the “bairros” (suburbs) are named after his sons. Known as Vilanculos during colonial times, the name was changed to Vilankulo at independence. Today the district is called Vilanculos and the town Vilankulo.
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