Life Between The Ears named Equista Top Instagram

111life3March 20, 2016, Vashon Island, WA –  Equista is the second largest equestrian website in Poland.  They recently announced that Life Between The Ears has been selected as one of their top Instagram accounts.  

Life Between The Ears was created in 2008 when Kristine and her trusty steed, Baloo, started sharing their photos of Vashon Island rides.  They had friends join in, sharing their photos, others were then invited to share their photos from around the country.  There are now photos shared from around the world. They include a short story behind the location and photographer.

Providing us all with a way to travel around the world.  And, in the best way possible, from the back of a horse.

Simply select your favorite mode of high-tech transportation and start your world travels today!


You will always locate Life Between The Ears in the NW Equine directory under Horse Blogs.


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