October 2019 – Courtesy of Evan Bonner.
We are saying a big yes to new adventures!
Cassie and I are excited to announce, Evan Bonner Horsemanship will be moving to Sultan, Washington at the end of October!
Our new facility and home is absolutely a dream ranch. We are ecstatic and humbled by the great people in our lives who made this possible. Elise Miller, we thank you from the very bottom of our hearts and look forward to years of horse and pony fun at Cornerstone Ranch with you!
Other than a change of location everything else in the business will continue as usual, and I will continue accepting both training horses and borders at my new place.
For some clients I know this means I will not be as accessible as before, and for some this might mean I am more accessible. I will continue to provide the best horse training services I can and will still continue to conduct weekend horsemanship clinics.
Cassie and I have truly loved our home/facility here in Port Orchard. Olympic Glen Arena has allowed us to meet clients and horses who have become family to us. This town too, Port Orchard, is a place I will always hold dear. I met my wife in this town, and it’s crazy to believe I’ve called this place home all my life. This horse community of Kitsap County helped shaped me the young Pony Clubber, the 4-H’er, the horse obsessed kid at the Kitsap Saddle Club, into who I am now. It is bitter sweet to be leaving the area, but we are forever grateful for this steppingstone in life.