Did you know? Our horse owner population is.
age 25-34 11.5%
age 35-44 16.8%
age 45-54 30.8%
age 55-64 25.4%
and 88.8% are female… no surprise there.
80% care for their own horses on their property or visiting boarding daily.
40% board
44% pay for riding lessons
33% pay for training
24% have their horse insured
How do they use their horse?
73.5% Trail Ride
26.3% Dressage
25.1% Lessons/training
22.7% Natural Horsemanship
17.8% Breed Shows
Did you know that in the region of Washington, Oregon, CA, AK, and HI compared to the rest of the US in horse use we are.
We are a close 2nd to the highest Trail Riding.
2nd in Natural Horsemanship.
5th in Dressage.
Tied for 7th for Breed Shows.
(These numbers are from the 2009-2010 AHP survey).
The American Horse Publications (AHP) has launched its fourth Equine Industry Survey at www.ahphorsesurvey.com. Horse owners who live in the United States, are 18 years of age and older, and who currently own or manage at least one horse are invited to complete the survey by April 1, 2018.
The survey, which is hosted every three years, will gauge participation trends and management practices in the U.S. equine industry, identify critical issues facing the equine industry as perceived by those who own or manage horses, and better understand issues pertaining to horse health.
The online survey is made possible by a sponsorship from Zoetis, the leading animal health company dedicated to improving equine wellness, every day. Zoetis has sponsored the survey since its inception in 2009.
The study is anonymous; this means that no one – not even members of the research team – will be able to associate information that is given with respondents. When the survey results are tallied, only aggregated results will be presented. A summary of this new information will be available on-line after August 15, 2018 to members of AHP. For non-members contact the AHP office at ahorsepubs@aol.comfor additional information.
Horse owners and enthusiasts are invited to promote the survey by sharing this link with horse-owner groups and individual horse owners and/or use the share options shown below. The more information we collect, the better we make our world for horses. So, grab your favorite beverage, have a seat and add your voice.
The 2018 AHP Equine Industry Survey is being conducted by American Horse Publications (AHP). Dr. C. Jill Stowe is providing consulting services for data collection and analysis to the AHP. Dr. Stowe is an associate professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky.